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Narman - Tuxedo
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4 stars: Foarte bun 44 pareri
#61 din 2341 de Companii din Moda / Articole Vestimentare
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5foarte prompti si cooperanti
4raport calitate-pret o.k.
Narman - Tuxedo Narman - Tuxedo 0784 112 236 Calea Victoriei, Nr. 83-85, Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2007!
Narman-Tuxedo, promoveaza brandul Romanesc Narman, brand inregistrat in anul 2000, avand ca obiect de activitate designul si productia de vestimentatie exclusiv masculina destinata barbatilor si adolescentilor; tinuta pentru evenimente speciale: tuxedo, smoking din materiale de lina 160, s, lina si cashmere, camasi din BBC egiptean, pantofi din piele capra, costume barbatesti si pentru adolescenti din lana tropicalizata,pantofi eleganti pentru barbati si adolescenti.

Narman- Calea Victoriei lanseaza colectia de costume si accesorii de lux pentru miri, nas sau simplii nuntasi: "Platinum uomo".

Livrare in 24 de ore oriunde in Romania si in 5 zile in UE.
Pentru a vizita show room-ul Narman Tuxedo din Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei Nr.83-85 va rog sa sunati nonstop la 0784112236 sau 0765348031.

Narman is a legendary design handicrafts Company founded in 1959 as a small boutique dealing with uniquely designed handcraft products. In the year 2000, Narman shop is opening in Bucharest . Professionalism to the brand through strategic engagement of highly skilled designers as well as application of modern and new technologies to deliver luxury quality products at a smart price.

Today, Narman brand is a premier leading leather line product that prides itself with the exclusive marketing and sale of luxury leather dress shoes and belts through its online shop that delivers to over twenty five (25) destinations in Europe and many other outlets worldwide.

We believe in creating unique, high quality and affordable dress shoes and leather belts using the finest leather extracted from calf, Morocco and snakeskin leather blended with a silver finish.We ensure that our products significantly trend with fashion offering a clear competitive edge over similar leather ware lines.

At Narman, we listen to customers and strive to exceed their expectations while enjoying our online shop experience.
Produse si servicii

costume de mire, costume ceremonie, costume elegante barbati, pantofi negrii barbati, smoking barbati, frac negru barbati, lavaliere, tuxedo, costume adolescenti, costume baieti, vesta si lavaliera

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